Jávorszky Ödön Hospital , Vác, 2023

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The first of our SME Sponsorship Scheme projects to be completed this year took us to the Jávorszky Ödön Hospital in the city of Vác.

In conjunction with Norhot Kft., a business we have partnered with for several years now, in 2023 the Robert Burns Foundation donated 2 smart infusion pumps and a World Game® to the paediatrics department of the hospital and specialist clinic in Vác.

Accompanied by Szilvia Hanson from Norhot Kft. as well as Katy Reid (Deputy Head of the North & Central Europe Department at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office), three members of the Burns Supper Organising Committee visited the hospital on 14 June to see what had been purchased from the donation.


The two smart infusion pumps enable the administration of more precise medication, and in the case of severe metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes, ion disorders), it is very important to have precise and programmable therapy. This is why we are very pleased with these two devices –

said Ila Veronika, chief physician and head of the paediatric department.

The World Game® was developed and standardised in Hungary by Dr. Alaine Polcz (1922-2007), a Hungarian psychologist, author, pioneer in the field of tanatology (research on death and mourning) in Hungary and founder of the Hungarian Hospice Movement. Experience shows that this is the best and most comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic method through play. It creates an experience of play and creative pleasure in the person tested, regardless of their age. The construction process itself, the problems and tensions represented during creation and play all have a therapeutic effect.

The child has to build their own world from miniature figures and components of the world (toy houses, people, animals, trees, plants, etc.). From this result and other aspects monitored during the construction, the health-care professional can get clues as to what internal/external factors are influencing the child’s current state. Using these tools, games can subsequently be developed and integrated into the ongoing therapeutic process.

This simple, important but very useful tool is almost unavailable in public care due to its high cost, which is why we are particularly grateful to now have access to it with the help of the Robert Burns International Foundation –

added Dr. Ila.