Play your part!

The Robert Burns International Foundation’s mission is to help sick and underprivileged children in Hungary and Central Europe through financial aid contributions to medical facilities. Your donation will help provide essential medical equipment for paediatric units. It will contribute towards solving children’s health problems and increasing their quality of life. Simply complete the form below to donate.

For reference, HUF 10,000 is roughly 20 GBP or 25 EUR.

Personal Info


Donation Total: 10,000Ft

EUR account
HU45 12001008 00114912 00200006
Swift code:

HUF account
Account number: 12001008-00114912-00500007
IBAN: HU03 12001008 00114912 00500007
Swift code: UBRTHUHB

You can transfer any sum of money to either of our euro (EUR) or Hungarian forint (HUF) bank accounts held at Raiffeisen Bank (Budapest, Akadémia u. 6.)