hello world

One of the Robert Burns International Foundation’s newest sponsors is an organisation that everyone has certainly heard of, and in most cases this is because they have been there and used their services. A highly successful company that has gone from strength to strength in recent years, Budapest Airport has developed an extensive CSR programme, and we were delighted when the RBIF was brought in to be part of these efforts in 2016.

Since then Budapest Airport has been a regular attendee at the Annual Burns Suppers as a GOLD sponsor. This means that besides participating in what has become one of Budapest’s most popular social events on the calendar, they make a substantial donation every year to further the projects and initiatives launched by the RBIF to aid sick and underprivileged children in hospitals both in the capital and around the country.

Once the donations have been distributed and the medical equipment purchased and installed in any given year, the preparatory work for the coming year begins. This involves making contact with the targeted institutes and organisations to assess their needs for the next 12 months. Once we have their requirements these are vetted by the RBIF’s medical adviser, Professor György Fekete, former Medical Director at the 2nd Department of Paediatrics in the children’s hospital on Tűzoltó utca in Budapest’s 9th district. Only once we get the green light, and we know that the needs are relevant and authentic, are the projects included on the list of funding aims for the year.

The ongoing financial support from Budapest Airport is crucial here. Having joined the ranks of regular sponsors they provide a reliable source of funding, which is used to purchase vital equipment for children unfortunate to find themselves requiring often sustained care at such a young age.

Budapest Airport are delighted to be involved with the RBIF as their values and principles match those we employ when it comes to helping those in need in the community. Budapest Airport’s own charity events and donation activities focus on supporting our neighbouring communities, as well as other social groups of special needs. 

We are extremely satisfied that our contribution to RBIF continues to make a real difference to those unfortunate children who need it most.

Kam Jandu, Chief Commercial Office, BUD Airport

The RBIF is very grateful for the continued support of Budapest Airport, and looks forward to continuing and developing this promising partnership in the future.


The Robert Burns International Foundation is an organisation that relies on the commitment and dedication of many volunteers and sponsors to carry out our activities year-in-year out. Deloitte has been a supporter of the Robert Burns International Foundation since 2013.

As a company providing services in audit, tax, legal and advisory to a wide range of large local and multinational companies and public institutions, Deloitte aims to help clients and employees make the most of the changing future, maximise their potential and manage risks. But it has also focused on corporate social responsibility for a long time, and the commitment to serve the public good dates back over 13 years. The fact the RBIF Curatorium and the Foundation itself both operate on a pro bono basis was a major factor in Deloitte achieving its goal of providing support in the most effective way possible.

Continuity is extremely important and useful when it comes to fundraising. Large one-off donations enable us to fund bigger projects and initiatives in a single given year, but regular donations, as in the case of Deloitte Hungary who have provided financial support every year since 2013, lend the RBIF stability. It is sponsors like Deloitte that enable us to plan ahead and think more long-term with our charity work, and this has been a big factor in the Foundation’s continued success with supporting sick and under-privileged children in Hungary since 1998, in the early days as the Hungarian-Scottish Society.


Over the time that Deloitte has been a sponsor of the Robert Burns International Foundation they have contributed to a great many projects. Paediatric healthcare is one the RBIF’s main focal points, and on this basis Deloitte has helped provide much-needed equipment and medical devices to different hospitals around Hungary. But there is also a social side to the RBIF’s work, and funding from Deloitte in 2015 contributed to improving the lives of orphans in a children’s home near Szekszárd with sports equipment.

What really defines us is our drive to make an impact that matters. This ambition guides us not only in business activities, but also in our charity initiatives. The long-term cooperation with the Robert Burns International Foundation is extremely important for us since supporting the RBIF means fostering social change as well as making a positive impact on others. We are glad to contribute to the efforts of the Robert Burns International Foundation.
Gerard Lucey, CFO, Deloitte Hungary

Their reliability as a sponsor, their willingness to get involved and the fact the activities of the RBIF are so well-aligned with the charity efforts and CSR objectives of Deloitte made them a perfect choice for Sponsor of the Year in 2015. We look forward to a continuing partnership and ongoing success with the help of Deloitte in the years to come.

The idea of holding a Burns Supper in Budapest was first raised back in 1997, and the following January saw the inaugural event under the auspices of the Hungarian-Scottish Society at the Trade Unions’ Congress Hall in Budapest.

As the years progressed, the Burns Suppers and the associated fundraising went from strength to strength, and eventually a decision was made to place these activities into a more formal structure. This was brought on by the need for the RBIF’s operations and workings to be as transparent as possible for both our supporters and sponsors, and for any third-parties.

This resulted in the establishing of the Robert Burns International Foundation, and as an official non-profit body we required a professional organisation to handle our finances, which prompted the Curatorium of the RBIF to approach PwC Hungary.

This initial contact triggered a relationship that soon developed into an amazing partnership. PwC is entrusted with the task of making sure our books and finances are kept in order and up-to-date, which they do unwaveringly every year. Not only that, in the spirit of charity and helping sick and underprivileged children in Hungary, PwC works together with KPMG, as KPMG are the Foundation’s appointed auditor. Two competitors in their profession teaming up for the greater good, nothing illustrates the spirit of the RBIF’s supporters and the quality of our background team better than this.

“At PwC Hungary we believe that we can create permanent and sustainable value for our direct and indirect stakeholders through our core professional activities and technical expertise as well as through providing financial support where needed most. Accordingly, we offer pro-bono services to, and team with, organizations who are committed to transparent and sustainable operations and encourage co-operation in support of good causes. The Robert Burns Foundation is such an organisation united behind a great cause, with a purpose similar to ours: to Build Trust in Society and Solve Important Problems, and one we have been proud to support over the past many years.”

Nick Kos, CEO PwC Hungary,

In 2016 PwC decided not only to support the RBIF with their services, but also financially, and made a sizeable donation to the projects that year. In light of the many years as our partner, we were delighted to make PwC our Sponsor of the Year in 2016, and hope that this fruitful and beneficial relationship can continue for many years to come.

To quote Aesop, “A man is known by the company he keeps”. Paraphrasing this well-known saying, we can say that people are likely to judge the Robert Burns International Foundation by the quality and reputation of its supporters and sponsors. This is what made us extremely proud when in 2015 Mercedes-Benz and its largest European subsidiary EvoBus decided to support the RBIF for an initial period of three years.

Mercedes-Benz/EvoBus have played an instrumental role in supporting the RBIF’s projects since 2015, and it all stemmed from then CEO Ingo Fröhlich attending the Budapest Burns Supper in 2013, where he was touched by the passion, the hard work and the love put in by the people behind the RBIF to support children and their families in need. The projects that the Foundation supports make a real difference to the lives of the children that benefit from the RBIF, and this is something that Mercedes-Benz and EvoBus could identify with, and were keen to support.


EvoBus Hungária Kft. is the general distributor and exclusive representative of EvoBus GmbH, which is a 100% affiliate of Daimler Buses and belongs to the Daimler AG Group.Particular attention is paid to the continuity of our social responsibility, which includes support for disabled people, treatment of sick children and sponsoring youth sports. We are extremely proud and happy to be able to take part in the work of the Robert Burns International Foundation.

“We are delighted to support the achievement of our goals through the RBIF, which are especially important for us.”
Dóra Uray, managing director, EvoBus Hungária Kft.

Acting socially responsibly is the duty of any successful corporation, and of course there are many foundations that are worthwhile being supported. This makes it all the more encouraging that the RBIF was chosen as one of the deserving charity initiatives for Mercedes-Benz and EvoBus. The Burns Suppers also provide a great networking platform, which is without doubt a benefit that any corporation can utilise for further growth.

We are grateful for the support we have received since 2015, and hope we can continue to count on their assistance going forward.

The Robert Burns International Foundation, and before it the Hungarian-Scottish Society, have been organising Burns Suppers in Budapest since 1998. The event moved from venue to venue in the early days, including the Trade Unions’ Congress Hall and the Hűvősvölgyi Vigadó, but since 2004 the home of the Budapest Burns Supper has been the Corinthia Hotel Budapest. And what a venue it is. The beautiful marble staircase leading up to the Grand Ballroom provides the perfect backdrop for what has become a fixture on the Budapest social calendar, an event that regularly sells out in just a few weeks.

The Corinthia Hotel has been a staunch supporter of the Robert Burns International Foundation since 2004, and has always played an active role. Starting with General Manager Adrian Ellis, through his successor Thomas Fischer and now under the leadership of current GM Jean Pierre Mifsud, the Corinthia Hotel Budapest does more than just host the event. The background work that goes on in the Hotel to promote and enhance the fundraising activities, the hotel’s help with all the organising committee meetings in the months leading up to the Burns Supper, and their involvement in other RBIF-related events as participants and sponsors make the Corinthia not just a venue, but a genuine partner.

“We believe in mutually rewarding long-term commitment and loyalty towards our partners. Having seen the Foundation and the interest in the Burns Supper itself grow so much over the years, it makes us feel proud and gives us reassurance to having stood by the right partner over this period of time.”

It is the relationship between the RBIF and the Corinthia Hotel Budapest since 2004 and the trust that has built up between us since then that prompted the Curatorium to make the Corinthia its  Sponsor of the Year not just once, but twice, in 2007 and 2013. To date it is the only organisation to have held the title on more than one occasion.


We are looking forward to holding our 21st Burns Supper in the Corinthia Hotel Budapest on 27 January 2018, and hope that the Grand Ballroom will remain our venue for many many years to come.

Deloitte has been supporting the RBIF for a good few years now. How did it start?

We at Deloitte Hungary have been focusing on corporate social responsibility for a long time, and our commitment to efforts serving the public good dates back over 13 years. In this spirit, we were delighted to start a cooperation with the Robert Burns International Foundation in 2013, having been impressed with the focus of the  foundation while attending the Burns Supper that year. The Curatorium and the organisation both operate on a pro bono basis, which allows us to provide support in the most effective form possible.

Deloitte was selected as Sponsor of the Year at the Burns Supper in 2016, meaning you were able to meet Honorary President Sir Alex Ferguson in Manchester. Putting aside your allegiances as a Liverpool fan, how was your day?

My son and myself have fond memories of that day as I can safely say that our visit to Manchester was a memorable experience for both of us, all the more so because the trip was intended as a special birthday present for my son Ciaran. The eventful day that lay ahead made up for our exhausting early flight: it was really humbling to meet Sir Alex, to  get to know him in person and to spend quality time in his company. It was inspiring to see how proud he is of his Scottish roots and how devoted he is to the foundation. Meeting Frank Stapleton and Sammy McIlroy, two of the football legends of my youth, was also an unforgettable experience. After the game, another surprise was in store for us at the hotel: we received a visit from Hungarian international goalkeeper Ádám Bogdán with whom we spent a really pleasant evening. Also, Sir Alex, Ádám Bogdán and Zoltán Magyar gave some helpful advice to my son regarding football, so the trip was a truly memorable experience for both of us.

A successful partnership is a win-win situation for both sides. What does the RBIF offer you and why do you support the foundation?

The main factor we at Deloitte Hungary focus on in terms of corporate social responsibility is effectiveness. Our goal is to make an impact that matters, and this ambition guides us not only in business activities, but also in our charity initiatives. This is why we consider effectiveness to be the key to success for the organisations we support, since the progress made in terms of social issues reflects how successful our efforts were. We are proud to contribute to the efforts of the Robert Burns International Foundation as well.

How does the RBIF’s activity fit in with your company’s CSR initiatives? Which aspects of the RBIF would you recommend to others considering sponsorship?

Our sponsorship efforts focus on helping sick and underprivileged children and our corporate social responsibility scheme is centred mainly on these topics. This was also the case at the start of our cooperation in 2013 and the activities of the foundation were closely aligned with Deloitte Hungary’s charity efforts. As a result of its impressive work, the Robert Burns International Foundation has provided several hundred thousand euros of support in Hungary in the last 20 years. They also support the activities of the 2 nd Dept. of Paediatrics in Tűzoltó utca and the Children’s Hospital in Péterfy Sándor utca in Budapest, as well as the children’s hospitals in Orosháza and Gyula. They also help the lives of orphans, supporting a children’s home in Szekszárd. We are delighted to be a part of this amazing charity work through our sponsorship of the foundation.    

Ingo, you’re not a stranger to football yourself having played at a high level before embarking on your career with Mercedes-Benz. What did you think of the whole match-day experience at Old Trafford and meeting the RBIF’s honorary president Sir Alex Ferguson?

The entire trip was just fantastic. I was very lucky, since I got to see the derby: Man U vs Man City ….wow, what an atmosphere in and around the stadium. I could sense the importance of soccer for the entire city. And of course meeting with the living legend Sir Alex was an unforgettable experience. Chatting with him in a relaxed atmosphere, over a glass of wine, about soccer, the past and the future of Man U, was definitely one of the most memorable moments in my life……

Mercedes-Benz played an instrumental role in supporting the RBIF’s projects in 2015, what prompted you to sponsor the Foundation among all the other charitable initiatives you have? What value does the RBIF provide?

I was a guest at the RBIF dinner in 2013 and I was touched by the passion, the hard work and the love the people behind the RBIF put in to support children and their families in need. I felt that the projects that the foundation supports are making a real difference to the lives of the children that are benefitting from the RBIF. And if we as Mercedes-Benz and Evobus can add to that, I am very happy. I am also a father. And not least as a father, I am very happy to see that – for example with the support of the children’s hospitals in Budapest – the RBIF brings hope and happiness to a lot of children’s lives.

If you were to recommend the Robert Burns International Foundation to Hungarian and multinational businesses in Hungary as a vehicle for their Corporate Social Responsibility activities, which aspects of the RBIF’s operations would you highlight?

To act socially responsibly is the duty of any successful corporation. And of course there are many foundations that are worthwhile being supported. As I mentioned before, the RBIF convinced me personally because of the passion of the people behind it and the great projects that the foundations supports. The fact that the RBIF also provides a great networking platform was not a decisive factor for me, but it is without doubt a benefit that any corporation can utilize for further growth.

On Sunday, 9 February 2014 at Old Trafford, the home of Manchester United, the Ferenc Puskás – Sir Alex Ferguson Trophy was presented for the 7th time to the Robert Burns International Foundation’s Sponsor of the Year. Despite retiring in May 2013 from his post as manager, Sir Alex Ferguson has continued his role as Honorary President of the RBIF, and in recognition of the ongoing support provided every year by the Corinthia Hotel, this year he presented the trophy to Thomas Fischer, General Manager of the Corinthia Hotel Budapest.

The delegation from the Foundation were honoured to be accompanied by Mrs Erzsébet Puskás, wife of the late Ferenc Puskás, arguably Hungary’s most famous and most skilled footballer, whose name adorns the RBIF’s sponsor of the year trophy.


The match was played was against Fulham and despite a confident start the home team found themselves a goal down at half-time. Not renowned for giving up, Manchester United turned the match around in the space of 2 minutes, and found themselves leading 2-1 with 15 minutes to go. Yet the visitors were not for giving up either, and scored in the second-last minute of injury time, thus bringing to an end the RBIF’s track record of always having seeing the home team win. There’s always next year!

Robert Burns International Foundation-Charity for Sick and Underprivileged Children

Interview with Thomas Fischer, General Manager of Corinthia Hotel, Budapest

Thomas, as a lifelong Bayern Munich fan, what were your impressions of your visit to Old Trafford, meeting Sir Alex and the whole match day experience?

First of all I have to say, to re-live the 1999 Champions League final that you prepared for me was an “interesting” experience. Apart from that I was greatly impressed by Sir Alex and enjoyed my time at Old Trafford tremendously. Thank you for all the great effort you put in to make it happen!

The Corinthia Hotel has been a staunch supporter of the Robert Burns International Foundation for many years, and 2014 saw the 17th Annual Budapest Burns Supper in the magnificent Grand Ballroom of your hotel. How important do you find the hotel’s association with the Foundation?

We have been actively supporting the foundation now for many years as we believe in mutually rewarding long-term commitment and loyalty towards our partners. Having seen the foundation and the interest in the Supper itself grow so much over the years, it makes us feel proud and gives us reassurance to having stood by the right partner over this period of time.

Having lived in Hungary for two years now, what is your opinion of the work of the RBIF in Hungary, and how do you see fundraising here compared with Germany for example?

The foundation gives back a little of what life has taken out, however I feel the work of the foundation here is to be valued even higher than in more developed countries in Europe, Germany for instance.

If you were to recommend the Robert Burns International Foundation to Hungarian and multinational businesses in Hungary as a vehicle for their Corporate Social Responsibility activities, which aspects of the RBIF’s operations would you highlight?

I certainly would highlight the spirit of the foundation with its high values of integrity and trust.

On Saturday, 2 March 2013, the Ferenc Puskás – Sir Alex Ferguson Trophy was presented for the 6th time to the Robert Burns International Foundation’s Sponsor of the Year on the hallowed turf at Old Trafford, home of Manchester United. This year, RBIF Honorary President Sir Alex Ferguson presented the trophy to Stewart Miller, a proud Scot with strong footballing traditions, and who unknowingly was the initial driving force behind the trophy itself (see interview below).

The match on 2 March was against Norwich City and was played, as usual, in front of a full house of 75,000 people. The RBIF is traditionally good mascot for the Red Devils as never has the delegation from the Foundation seen the home lose. This year was no different as a hat trick from Shinji Kagawa along with a 25-yard screamer from Wayne Rooney made sure the lucky streak continued.

Robert Burns International Foundation-Charity for Sick and Underprivileged Children

Stewart, the Puskás Ferenc – Sir Alex Ferguson trophy started out as a small gift from you to Mrs Puskás after Ferenc died. What was the original thought behind the gift?

My father and grandfather were both at Hampden in 1960 to watch the Real Madrid v Eintracht Frankfurt European Cup Final. Now regarded as one of the best football matches ever, Real Madrid won 7-3 and Puskas scored 4 goals. I grew up in a football family and the mens’ discussions were always about football. Ferenc Puskas was spoken about almost daily in our household. So much so that when I was a child I thought he was a relative! I assumed he was my uncle. Therefore at a very young age an emotional attachment formed between myself and the Little General. The trophy was a small token from myself and the football fans of Scotland, to let Mrs Puskas know he was very much loved in Scotland. Part of his appeal was the fact that he was not built like some Olympian Athlete. But he could certainly play football!!!

Now your name is on the trophy alongside all the previous winners, can you sum up what the day at Old Trafford meant for you?

The Old Trafford day was one of the best experiences of my life. I am very honoured to be named on this trophy, along with organisations like Diageo, Vodafone and Tesco. I thoroughly enjoyed the company I was in too. I think Hungarians and Scottish people are very similar. We share a great sense of humour. Meeting Sir Alex Ferguson, the greatest football manager of all time, was also amazing. The icing on the cake was during the stadium and museum tour when I found out that my great uncle, Thomas Miller, played for Manchester United in the 1920’s. 

How important do you find the work of the RBIF in Hungary and the current intensive-care unit appeal?

Firstly it’s amazing that we have the Robert Burns International Foundation based in Hungary. Robert Burns and his works really do have global appeal. I think the work the RBIF is doing is very important and it is also a very worthwhile cause, assisting children. I think helping children in any way we can is very important, because they are our future. It is vital for children to know that there are people and organisations out with their families, who care about their health and wellbeing. Robert Burns would have been very, very proud of the work and achievements of the RBIF.

Most of the fundraising over the years so far has been Hungary-based, do you think there is scope for strengthening links between Scotland and Hungary in this area?

There is definite scope for strengthening links between Scotland and Hungary in this area. For example, recently a friend of mine was over in Budapest to launch one of his whisky books. This friend speaks at Burns Suppers all over the world. When I told him about the RBIF he was very interested, because he did not know of its existence. When he found out more he got very excited and he has asked his partners in Budapest to follow this up. This is just one small example of the potential. I now see myself as an unofficial ‘ambassador’ for the RBIF. I will try to identify some of the Scottish (and UK) companies that view Hungary as a key export market. This I think will be a sensible start for me to try to identify further potential sponsors.

At just before 3pm on Saturday, 14 January 2012, the name of the Robert Burns International Foundation Sponsor of the Year was announced in front of 75,000 football fans at the Manchester United stadium, and RBIF President Sir Alex Ferguson presented the trophy to David Wood, commercial director of Tesco Global Áruházak Zrt.

Tesco Hungary is one of a handful of sponsors who have supported the Budapest Burns Supper since the very first Burns Overnight in 1998. As the very time this article was being written, the company was becoming only the fifth recipient of the Puskás Ferenc – Sir Alex Ferguson Sponsor of the Year Trophy.

The experience of being on such hallowed turf as that of the Theatre of Dreams just minutes before a game is unique. RBIF curatorium chairman Jock MacKenzie has described it as “electric and hair raising”. Supper chairman Stuart McAlister was equally moved the year he attended.

“The feeling of walking on to the pitch at Old Trafford is one I doubt I’ll ever forget,” he recalls. “Even though I was born in Liverpool and have been a Red all my life, I was still proud to have the chance to walk up through the tunnel and onto one of the most famous football pitches in the world. Being greeted by Sir Alex Ferguson certainly made the experience that much more special.”

The match on 14 January was against Bolton Wanderers, which, given that there is only 30 km (20 miles) between the two stadia, almost makes it a derby game, and guarantees a sell-out crowd. The official attendance on the day was 75,444. And they saw a little piece of Red Devil’s history:
37-year-old Paul Scholes’ first goal since the veteran came out of retirement, in his first home game. Manchester United won 3:0.

Robert Burns International Foundation-Charity for Sick and Underprivileged Children

We spoke with David Wood, who has been commercial director since 2010, a few days before he flew out to the UK to receive the trophy.

Tesco has sponsored the Budapest Burns Supper since its launch 15 years ago. But how and why did Tesco get involved in the first place?

David Wood, commercial director of Tesco Global Áruházak Zrt.

It is a core priority for Tesco to be a good neighbour and to act responsibly in the communities we serve. The cause supported by the Budapest Burns Supper has always been an important one for the local community, which is why Tesco – at that time a relatively new enterprise in the Hungarian market – decided to sponsor it.

Why does Tesco continue to support the Budapest Burns Supper?
The need to support children’s hospitals is an enduring one. Hence over the years we have strengthened our partnership with the Robert Burns International Foundation. We value the consistency of the Foundation’s leadership and the great effort the volunteers of the Foundation dedicate to helping people or institutions in difficult situations.

Given the on going global economic recession, and the difficult trading environment in Hungary, are there any plans to cut back on support in the future?
During times of recession it is even more important that we support our local communities and we have no plans to reduce our commitment in this area.

Why is charitable support such as that organised by the RBIF important?
Such charity events not only raise funds for people or institutions in need but also highlight the areas where help is needed most. It is a way of setting an example of how individuals and companies can make a difference, and Tesco has been keen to do so. It is great that such an enduring legend as Sir Alex Ferguson continues to support the Foundation.