It was with great sadness that we learned yesterday of the untimely passing of our friend Steven Dick, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Budapest.

When Steven arrived in Hungary in November 2019 he kindly accepted our invitation to become part of the Robert Burns International Foundation by sitting on our Curatorium as a board member. In the few months that he fulfilled that role he did so with great energy and enthusiasm.

In February, in his capacity as DHM and as a board member, Steven participated at a function down in Zalaegerszeg in support of the local hospital that the RBIF has supported for a number of years.

Clearly a busy individual, he didn’t even have time to return to his flat following a trip back to the UK, and we picked him up at the airport at Saturday lunchtime before travelling straight down to the south-east of Hungary in time for the function, where he enthralled the nurses, doctors and guests with his friendly demeanour and his excellent grasp of Hungarian after such a short time.

And that sums Steven up. Honest, hard-working, committed and fun, always willing to help.

He will be sorely missed.


The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


On Saturday 15 February 2020 the Robert Burns International Foundation together with the British Embassy took part in the 10th Anniversary Ball of the Premature Baby Rescue and Paediatric IC Foundation in Zalaegerszeg, a body that performs sterling work with premature babies and young children in western Hungary, saving the lives of 1500 children over the last decade.

Together with long-standing sponsor FirstMed Centers the RBIF has been supporting the Szent Rafael Hospital in Zalaegerszeg since 2018, providing much needed equipment to help facilitate the crucial work performed there by the local doctors and nurses.

Also present at the ball were Hungarian doctors who previously worked temporarily under the NHS in the UK, but have since come back to put their know-how to good use at home. UK Ambassador Iain Lindsay was the patron of the evening, and the Embassy was represented by Deputy Head of Mission Steven Dick.

We look forward to continuing our cooperation with the Szent Rafael Hospital and FirstMed in the course of 2020:

Photos: Kálóczi Photo

Make sure you like the RBIF Facebook page or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to be sure of hearing all the details about all of our projects and events. You can also sign up to our mailing list here.



The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


A huge thank you to all the helpers and sponsors that assisted with the 23rd Annual Budapest Burns Supper at the Corinthia Budapest. Many people, companies and organisations support us in different ways, both financially and with products or services. Without their generous assistance the Burns Supper would not be the event it is.

We raised HUF 11 million on the night, with a further HUF 2 million raised after the Burns Supper, a fantastic achievement by everyone involved. Together with reserves we will be looking to finance new projects in 2020 worth HUF 15 million.

Check out our gallery for all the photos of the evening!




Make sure you like the RBIF Facebook page or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to be sure of hearing all the details about next year’s event in good time, and to find out what projects the RBIF will be supporting throughout 2020.

The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


The Péterfy Sándor Street Hospital, located in District 7, is one of Budapest’s oldest and largest hospitals in Budapest with nearly 1,600 beds, where patients can be treated for an array of ailments and conditions.

The RBIF has been working closely with the hospital for a number of years, focusing on improving and providing equipment on the neonatal wing, which treats and cares for newborn children, primarily premature babies.

The neonatal wing is run by Dr Gábor Baross who, with the support of his team, can deal with anything between 500 – 600 premature babies every year. Given the wing can only accommodate 20/30 babies at any one time, if one was to say the wing is running at capacity, it would be somewhat of an understatement. Dr Baross also explained that to compound this problem, it is getting harder and harder to recruit and retain skilled and qualified nurses.

What defines a premature baby in need of help from Dr Baross and his colleagues? A premature baby is anything weighing between 500 grams to 1 kilogram. A baby born under 500 grams has a 20/30% survival rate, and then only a 30% chance of being healthy. Depending on the diagnosis, the baby will then spend anything between 4 weeks to 4 months within the confines of an incubator. Dr Baross welcomes visits from the parents, but this needs to be managed carefully as there can be up to 5 incubators in 1 room, meaning circulation space can be at a premium.

In 2019 we donated a professional, electronic breast pump device and accessories for the hospital, providing further convenience for the mothers on the ward.

We asked Dr Baross why this was important:

Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for newborns and premature babies. It is particularly important for the very small and vulnerable babies to receive breast milk, and this gives them protection against infections and helps their development. These babies are often not able to suck the quantity of milk that they need, and they can sometimes be hampered by other factors, such as if they are ventilated. Using this equipment we can ensure that they receive the best nutrition, their mother’s breast milk.

Make sure you like the RBIF Facebook page or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to be sure of hearing all the details about all of our projects and events. You can also sign up to our mailing list here.



The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


Following the generosity of the sponsors and the guests at the Burns Supper in 2019 and in cooperation with our long-time sponsor Budapest Airport, the RBIF sought a new project close to the airport.

Advice was given by medical adviser Professor Fekete, who recommended the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital, situated in Budapest’s 10th district.

After consultations with hospital management and doctors, the RBIF provided two items, one being a NeoPuff battery-operated resuscitator. This small device helps to inflate a newborn’s lungs in a manner that regulates the pressure of the air being pumped into the lungs, avoiding potential lung damage caused by manually pumped air being pumped too vigorously. The second was an Atom Air Incubator – the department now has 3 incubators.

The department cares for approximately 200 babies each year, with between 15 and 20 babies on the ward at any one time. They are planning a renovation which should start in early 2020 and be completed within 3 months. The work will provide them with two wings within the department, one being for natural births, the other for C-section births. The respiratory device that they have just received means they now have two, one for each wing. Part of their renovation will include a mother and baby incubator room – up until now a baby needing that special care for the initial post-birth period was separated, in the most part, from his or her mother. This will no longer be the case.

Dr. Judit Jeager explained why these items were chosen:

The new incubator means that the hospital can place one at the entrance for cases when a mother feels that, for some reason, she is unable to care for her newborn, or perhaps that the baby would be better off being cared for by someone else. She can place her child in the incubator, safe in the knowledge that the baby will receive full medical attention. It is possible for the mother to change her mind within 60 days, if she feels that her earlier actions were a mistake, and be reunited with her baby. This system is used successfully at several hospitals throughout Hungary and here at the Bajcsy Hospital we would like to offer such an opportunity.

The NeoPuff resuscitator is an extremely safe way of resuscitating newborns. Prior to this, a manual “balloon-type” resuscitator was used, but as it is possible to set the air pressure on this piece of equipment, it is far safer to use.  We have used it several times and always with good results.

Make sure you like the RBIF Facebook page or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to be sure of hearing all the details about all of our projects and events. You can also sign up to our mailing list here.



The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


The RBIF’s SME Sponsorship Scheme is not just about helping small and medium-sized companies take part in our fundraising and donation activities, it’s also about building relationships.

This is why the RBIF once again made the journey down to southern Hungary this year to develop our contacts with the doctors and staff at the Hódmezővásárhely Hospital in Csongrád county. Our donation last year helped the hospital here along with its partner institution in Makó, and this year was no different.

Stuart McAlister of Inter Relocation Kft. was keen to get involved once more in the SME Sponsorship Scheme following the successes enjoyed in previous years, and he too was pleased with the outcome of this year’s donation.

I’m delighted to confirm that for a second year, Inter Relocation has been able to contribute to the development of the hospitals in Makó and Hódmezővásárhely. The equipment we have co-sponsored, together with the Robert Burns International Foundation, will help to monitor and stabilise new-born babies in a critical condition, making the incredible work the doctors and nurses do at the two hospitals a little easier.

Having consulted with Dr Ferenc Papp, consultant physician and head of department at the paediatric unit in Hódmezővásárhely, we purchased a Neopuff resuscitation device along with two pulse oximeters, one for each hospital, using the donation from Inter Relocation doubled by the funds raised at the 2019 Burns Supper.

During our visit to the hospital, Dr Papp explained that the design of this portable resuscitation device makes it much easier to use, even for extended periods, and there is no danger of supplying too much or too little oxygen or exerting too much pressure, which can happen with purely manual devices. All in all, it ensures safer and more reliable treatment in what are very difficult situations.

Medical Director for the two hospitals Dr Katalin Havasi: We are extremely grateful that the Robert Burns International Foundation has again given its selfless support to helping the newborns in our hospital grow and get better, thereby enabling us to provide the highest level of care that we can to all of the little ones in need of help.

The SME Sponsorship Scheme is an ideal way for companies to start a CSR programme or perhaps expand an existing one, and we at the RBIF are happy to help. We are happy that Inter Relocation will be back again in 2020 to keep their commitment going.

We’re grateful for the opportunity to give a little back in this way and plan to continue our cooperation with these hospitals in 2020.”, added Stuart McAlister

Make sure you like the RBIF Facebook page or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to be sure of hearing all the details about all of our projects and events. You can also sign up to our mailing list here.



The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


The Szent Rafael Hospital in Zalaegerszeg not only functions as a health-care institution for the 60,000 people who live in this town situated in the south-west of Hungary in Zala county. It is also the main hospital for the surrounding area, and accepts patients from throughout western Hungary, and even from across Hungary’s borders.

The reason for its extensive reach is the expertise that the doctors and nurses offer at Szent Rafael Hospital. They are able to treat certain patients that other hospitals cannot. This is one of the reasons why the Robert Burns International Foundation chose to continue supporting this Zala hospital, again as part of the SME Sponsorship Scheme in collaboration with FirstMed Center and CEO Dennis Diokno, following the success of the initial project in 2018.

This year, the hospital asked that we fund sensor kits for their ventilator machines, and looking at the photos, it was initially difficult to understand how something so small could be so expensive. But looks can be deceptive, as these kits play a very important role. When connected to a ventilator machine, they monitor the level of carbon dioxide coming from the patient.

“The quantity of carbon dioxide measured in the air exhaled by mechanically-ventilated children is an objective indicator – from a non-invasive procedure – of the effectiveness of the ventilation. We did not use to have such devices at our disposal”, said Dr László Gárdos, head of department.

Why is this important? Sudden changes in CO2 elimination usually imply a change in cardiorespiratory function, and can help in the early detection of respiratory events, such as hypoventilation, or signal that a breathing tube has become disconnected, even though this isn’t evident on the outside. It goes without saying that this contributes hugely to preventing potentially irreversible patient injury. The different sizes of sensor kit enable the doctors and nurses to use them for a wide range of paediatric needs.

“The capnography devices are instrumental in ensuring the successful ventilation of seriously ill children (in intensive care) and of new-borns in a critical condition (Perinatal Intensive Care Centre)”, added Dr. Gárdos.

Alongside Dr László Gárdos the RBIF was welcomed again by Dr Gabriella Halász, Director of the Hospital. They very much value the help that the guests of the Burns Supper give every year, as this is equipment that the hospital would otherwise have to do without, with the associated impact then on the standard of health care that they can provide, so a big thank you to all those who supported the Burns Supper in 2019! We look forward to continuing our partnership with the Szent Rafael Hospital in 2020.


Make sure you like the RBIF Facebook page or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to be sure of hearing all the details about all of our projects and events. You can also sign up to our mailing list here.



The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


The Robert Burns International Foundation has donated equipment to the 2nd Department of Paediatrics at Semmelweis University in Tűzoltó utca every year since the Foundation was established in 1998.

We support other hospitals as well but why have we given continuous annual support to this hospital? The main reason is that the Tűzoltó utca hospital is the principal children’s hospital not just in Budapest but for the whole of Hungary. Children needing special treatment are often transferred here from other hospitals. So it has frequently made sense to help ensure this hospital has the equipment needed to offer the best available support for sick children in Hungary.

On  14 November  2019, Lesley Anne Füzes, Douglas Arnott, András Moldovan and David Thompson representing the Foundation visited the hospital to meet our medical advisor, Professor György Fekete, and senior members of the medical staff of the hospital, to discuss their future needs for equipment and also to see the 2 pieces of equipment purchased by the hospital in 2019 with funds donated by the Foundation.

We were given a demonstration of the EZ Gel Documentation System made by Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. This machine reads and analyses DNA samples taken from patients and produces images and reports. These enable medical staff to review the quality of samples before subjecting them to further analysis. This not only speeds up the analysis of samples but also improves efficiency and reduces cost and waste because samples which are weak can be discarded instead of being subjected to further expensive test processes (before this machine was purchased, there was no way to assess whether a particular sample might produce useful insights before incurring these extra costs).

Prof. György Fekete: the reagents for the later steps in the process are very costly, so it is much more economical to repeat the first, rather inexpensive step than have to repeat the entire sequence of examinations.

The second piece of equipment we saw is a mobile linear probe, an instrument which is used in conjunction with an ultrasound machine. This is a small unit, about the size of a hand microphone, which is easily portable and has extensive capabilities.

Prof. György Fekete: this equipment is mostly used in the Intensive Care unit of the hospital for quick ultrasounds of any child illness.

Its small size and weight make it easier to bring the probe to the child’s bedside (rather than require the child to leave its bed and go to be tested elsewhere) which aids efficiency. It also provides the child patient with a comparatively non-frightening, non-invasive experience as the probe is rolled over his or her stomach.

Make sure you like the RBIF Facebook page or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to be sure of hearing all the details about all of our projects and events. You can also sign up to our mailing list here.



The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


Various electronic devices including TVs, washing machines, microwave ovens, fridges, irons, vacuum cleaners and reading lamps as well as new beds and a sofa were all part of the package the Gyöngyvirág Children’s Home was able to purchase in 2019 using the donation provided by the Robert Burns International Foundation. 

The Gyöngyvirág Children’s Home is indeed, as the name suggests, a home for up to 40 children between 3 and 18 years of age who, for various reasons, cannot live an ordinary family life. Some are orphans, but the majority are children who have had to leave their parents by order of the law. Most only see their natural parents a few times a year – they are looked after by a handful of dedicated care workers who provide physical and mental support for them day and night, working in shifts.

At the Gyöngyvirág Home the children live in 4 apartments, each catering for 8-12 persons: shared bedrooms, a common kitchen, living room and bathrooms. The Home is part of the state-run network of the Social and Children’s Protection Directorate and all workers’ salaries and other operational costs are handled centrally. However, central budgets are typically limited to provide for the bare minimum. In addition, the centralised administration often makes life complicated and their procurement process is typically very lengthy, sometimes leaving the home with broken equipment for years.

No wonder the Home’s dedicated staff, represented by Anett Nyúzó and Zsanett Diószegi, two special ladies, were extremely delighted to receive the donation from the RBIF.

“Thanks to your support we are in such a fortunate situation that we don’t need to cheer up frustrated colleagues when some equipment breaks down by saying it will ‘eventually’ be replaced – rather, we now have enough replacements on stock. When our colleagues are relaxed and happy as the technical conditions are fully provided, they can provide better care of the children as well. And that is the most important for us!”

The Children’s Home has for some years received support from Budapest Airport, RBIF’s 2019 Sponsor of the Year. The Airport’s donation in previous years included money collected from passengers at the airport terminal, as well as voluntary contributions of staff to special events, e.g. showcasing the special airport technical rescue equipment in the Home’s garden for Children’s Day, as well as delivering personalised Christmas gifts to the children assembled from individual donations of airport workers. As a follow up to this cooperation, the RBIF with our sponsors decided to provide a substantial contribution that the Home has never received before, helping to equip the Home after a recently completed renovation.

Make sure you like the RBIF Facebook page or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to be sure of hearing all the details about all of our projects and events. You can also sign up to our mailing list here.

The Robert Burns International Foundation (RBIF) is supported by the British Ambassador to Hungary and the Hungarian Ambassador to the UK. The Honorary President of the foundation is Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United football club. In the last 20 years the organisation has raised several hundred thousand euros to help sick and underprivileged children.


On 1 September 2019 the RBIF held its second annual BBQ at the Chefparade Country venue in Etyek, just 30 minutes outside Budapest.

In glorious sunshine, the RBIF returned to the beautiful location in the wine-village of Etyek for a fun family day, but also to raise money for the Bethesda Children’s Hospital in Budapest.

Second charity RBIF BBQ event

The BBQ was a great success with the guests spanning the generations, who were able to relax in the sun or the shade with a glass of beer or a glass of wine from the local winery, the Etyeki Kúria, before Paul Mizener and his team of chefs at Chefparade got the BBQ lunch underway.

Fillet steak, BBQ spare ribs, pulled pork, roast chicken and chili con carne were all on the menu, followed by brownies to finish off.

Playful afternoon

Whilst all this was going on the kids were able to run around and play in the huge area beside the BBQ, with football, sack races, croquet, frisbees and all sorts of other games on offer. Keller & Mayer also brought a variety of board games to keep the young ones occupied.

The event couldn’t have been the success it was without the support of the sponsors below, a big thank you to all of them.

Hungary’s fastest-growing online expat portal and the RBIF’s media partner, Expat Press Hungary Magazine, was also at the event.

We look forward to seeing you all next year!

Just click on the photo below to view all the pictures from the BBQ:

photos: Pelle Zoltán